Here are a few tips that can really cut your bills down during the winter. These tips can also cut down on bills during the year as well.
1. Change the filter in your furnace! Give the system a full test to make sure its ready for the winter usage. If you haven't got your system checked call your HVAC technician to get your unit serviced. Make sure your system is ready to operate properly during the season. Also to save money you can lower the thermostat by 10 to 15 degrees for 8 hours daily .
2. Check for drafts around doors and windows. Use an incense stick or something like a sage stick that has a bit of smoke. Hold it up to outlets, windows and floorboards. If the smoke blows, grab some caulk and start sealing. Use weather stripping, window film and caulk to control heat loss around doors, windows and baseboards.
3. Insulate your attic! An easy way to see if your attic has sufficient insulation is to see how well your house holds heat. If you feel drafts or see heat leaking have a local handyman come out and check. You can also look in your attic to see how much insulation is there.
4. Clean out your gutters! A great tip to keep gutters from backing up is to clean your gutters at the end of fall each year. Keeping the channels clean also helps prevent water from leaking into your basement or foundation which could cause mold.
5. Prepare the yard. Make sure to trim all limbs that are hanging over your roof or areas that could be damaged by a broken limb. Make sure to cover crawl space areas for critters as well. Cover outdoor furniture and tables if necessary to protect them from the elements.
6. Ceiling fan. In the winter turn the switch on your fan to run clockwise at a low speed to help distribute the heat in your home. Warm air rises and cool air descends, so the direction of your fan spins depends on the season.
7. Check your roof. Hail, wind and tree limbs can do significant damage to a roof. You will want to inspect it yourself or hire a professional. If you do find storm damage, check to see if your insurance company will cover the cost of the repairs.
We hope these tips come in handy!
-Capital Keys, LLC